1 2 3 4 5
0 49 51 47 0 0
1 0 0 0 23 7
Today’s example is from a bootstrap resample of 177 undergraduate students at a large state university in the Midwest. The survey was a measure of 10 questions about their beliefs in various conspiracy theories that were being passed around the internet in the early 2010s. Additionally, gender was included in the survey. All items responses were on a 5- point Likert scale with:
Our purpose in using this instrument is to provide a context that we all may find relevant as many of these conspiracy theories are still prevalent today.
To show dichotomous-data models with our data, we will arbitrarily dichotomize our item responses:
Now, we could argue that a “1” represents someone who agrees with a statement and a zero is someone who disagrees or is neutral
Note that this is only for teaching purposes, such dichotomization shouldn’t be done
But, we must first learn dichotomous data models before we get to models for polytomous data
Checking on one item (Item 1):
1 2 3 4 5
0 49 51 47 0 0
1 0 0 0 23 7
New item means:
PolConsp1 PolConsp2 PolConsp3 PolConsp4 PolConsp5 PolConsp6 PolConsp7
0.16949153 0.10169492 0.06779661 0.07909605 0.10734463 0.06214689 0.06214689
PolConsp8 PolConsp9 PolConsp10
0.03389831 0.11299435 0.06214689
Note: these items have a relatively low proportion of people agreeing with each conspiracy statement
Dichotomous Data Distribution: Bernoulli
The Bernoulli distribution is a one-trial version of the Binomial distribution
The probability mass function (pdf):
\[P(Y = y) = \pi^y\left(1-\pi\right)^{(1-y)}\]
The distribution has only one parameter: \(\pi\) (the probability \(Y=1\))
Note the definitions of some of the words for data with two values:
Generalized linear models using Bernoulli distributions put a linear model onto a transformation of the mean
For an unconditional (empty) model, this is shown here:
\[f\left( E \left(Y \right) \right) = f(\pi)\]
Common choices for the link function (in latent variable models):
Logit (or log odds): \[f\left( \pi \right) = \log \left( \frac{\pi}{1-\pi} \right)\]
Probit: \[f\left( \pi \right) = \Phi^{-1} \left( \pi \right) \]
Where Phi is the inverse cumulative distribution of a standard normal distribution:
\[\Phi(Z) = \int_{-\infty}^Z \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \exp \left( \frac{-x^2}{2} \right) dx\]
In the generalized linear models literature, there are a number of different link functions:
Most of these seldom appear in latent variable models
Our latent variable models will be defined on the scale of the link function
For this, we need the inverse link function
Logit (or log odds) link function: \[logit \left(\pi\right) = \log \left( \frac{\pi}{1-\pi} \right)\]
Logit (or log odds) inverse link function:
\[\pi = \frac{\exp \left(logit \left(\pi \right)\right)}{1+\exp \left(logit \left(\pi \right)\right)} = \frac{1}{1+\exp \left(-logit \left(\pi \right)\right)} = \left( 1+\exp \left(-logit \left(\pi \right)\right)\right)^{-1}\]
Latent Variable Models with Bernoulli Distributions for Observed Variables
We can finally define a latent variable model for binary responses using a Bernoulli distribution
For an item \(i\) and a person \(p\), the model becomes:
\[logit \left( P\left( Y_{pi}=1\right) \right) = \mu_i +\lambda_i\theta_p\]
Depending on your field, the model from the previous slide can be called:
These names reflect the terms given to the model in diverging literatures:
Estimation methods are the largest difference between the two families
Recall our normal distribution models:
\[ \begin{array}{cc} Y_{pi} = \mu_i + \lambda_i \theta_p + e_{p,i}; & e_{p,i} \sim N\left(0, \psi_i^2 \right) \\ \end{array} \]
Compared to our Bernoulli distribution models:
\[logit \left( P\left( Y_{pi}=1\right) \right) = \mu_i +\lambda_i\theta_p\]
Commonly, the IRT or IFA model is shown on the data scale (using the inverse link function):
\[P\left( Y_{pi}=1\right) = \frac{\exp \left(\mu_i +\lambda_i\theta_p \right)}{1+\exp \left(\mu_i +\lambda_i\theta_p \right)}\]
The core of the model (the terms in the exponent on the right-hand side) is the same
As with the normal distribution (CFA) models, we use the Bernoulli distribution for all observed variables:
\[ \begin{array}{c} logit \left(Y_{p1} = 1 \right) = \mu_1 + \lambda_1 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p2} = 1 \right) = \mu_2 + \lambda_2 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p3} = 1 \right) = \mu_3 + \lambda_3 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p4} = 1 \right) = \mu_4 + \lambda_4 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p5} = 1 \right) = \mu_5 + \lambda_5 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p6} = 1 \right) = \mu_6 + \lambda_6 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p7} = 1 \right) = \mu_7 + \lambda_7 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p8} = 1 \right) = \mu_8 + \lambda_8 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p9} = 1 \right) = \mu_9 + \lambda_9 \theta_p \\ logit \left(Y_{p10} = 1 \right) = \mu_{10} + \lambda_{10} \theta_p \\ \end{array} \]
The set of equations on the previous slide formed step #1 of the Measurement Model Analysis Steps:
The next step is:
We will initially assume \(\theta_p \sim N(0,1)\), which allows us to estimate all item parameters of the model
The specification of the model defines the model (data) likelihood function for each type of parameter
The model (data) likelihood function can be defined conditional on all other parameter values (as in a block in an MCMC iteration)
The likelihood is then:
\[f \left(Y_{p1} \mid \lambda_1 \right) = \prod_{p=1}^P \left( \pi_{p1} \right)^{Y_{p1}} \left(1- \pi_{p1} \right)^{1-Y_{p1}}\]
As this number can be very small (making numerical precision an issue), we often take the log:
\[\log f \left(Y_{p1} \mid \lambda_1 \right) = \sum_{p=1}^P \log \left[ \left( \pi_{p1} \right)^{Y_{p1}} \left(1- \pi_{p1} \right)^{1-Y_{p1}}\right]\]
The key in the likelihood function is to substitute each person’s data-scale model for \(\pi_{p1}\):
\[ \pi_{p1} = \frac{\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)}{1+\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)} \]
Which then becomes:
\[\log f \left(Y_{p1} \mid \lambda_1 \right) = \sum_{p=1}^P \log \left[ \left( \frac{\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)}{1+\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)} \right)^{Y_{p1}} \left(1- \frac{\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)}{1+\exp \left(\mu_1 +\lambda_1\theta_p \right)} \right)^{1-Y_{p1}}\right]\]
As an example for \(\lambda_1\):
For each person, the same model (data) likelihood function is used
\[f \left(Y_{1i} \mid \theta_1 \right) = \prod_{i=1}^I \left( \pi_{1i} \right)^{Y_{1i}} \left(1- \pi_{1i} \right)^{1-Y_{1i}}\]
As an example for the log-likelihood for \(\theta_2\):
As an example for the log-likelihood for \(\theta_1\):
Implementing Bernoulli Outcomes in Stan
Blockmodel {
lambda ~ multi_normal(meanLambda, covLambda); // Prior for item discrimination/factor loadings
mu ~ multi_normal(meanMu, covMu); // Prior for item intercepts
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // Prior for latent variable (with mean/sd specified)
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli_logit(mu[item] + lambda[item]*theta);
For logit models without lower/upper asymptote parameters, Stan has a convenient bernoulli_logit()
Also, note that there are few differences from the normal outcomes models (CFA)
BlockOnly change from normal outcomes (CFA) model:
data {}
Blockdata {
int<lower=0> nObs; // number of observations
int<lower=0> nItems; // number of items
array[nItems, nObs] int<lower=0, upper=1> Y; // item responses in an array
vector[nItems] meanMu; // prior mean vector for intercept parameters
matrix[nItems, nItems] covMu; // prior covariance matrix for intercept parameters
vector[nItems] meanLambda; // prior mean vector for discrimination parameters
matrix[nItems, nItems] covLambda; // prior covariance matrix for discrimination parameters
One difference from normal outcomes model:
array[nItems, nObs] int<lower=0, upper=1> Y;
functionThe switch of items and observations in the array
statement means the data imported have to be transposed:
The Stan program takes longer to run than in linear models:
[1] 1.001433
# A tibble: 20 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 mu[1] -2.47 -2.42 0.471 0.444 -3.32 -1.80 1.00 5795. 7316.
2 mu[2] -4.62 -4.45 1.12 1.02 -6.70 -3.13 1.00 5777. 5633.
3 mu[3] -4.89 -4.70 1.20 1.08 -7.11 -3.30 1.00 6085. 6213.
4 mu[4] -7.09 -6.68 2.25 1.92 -11.2 -4.28 1.00 5266. 5366.
5 mu[5] -16.2 -12.5 11.2 6.65 -40.6 -5.98 1.00 3897. 4691.
6 mu[6] -6.72 -6.30 2.20 1.77 -10.7 -4.11 1.00 5036. 4318.
7 mu[7] -7.31 -6.81 2.56 1.96 -11.8 -4.42 1.00 3415. 2265.
8 mu[8] -34.6 -32.3 16.1 16.1 -64.6 -12.9 1.00 7159. 8583.
9 mu[9] -7.44 -6.97 2.45 2.03 -12.0 -4.49 1.00 5165. 4596.
10 mu[10] -5.96 -5.65 1.76 1.46 -9.01 -3.83 1.00 4477. 4109.
11 lambda[1] 1.91 1.86 0.507 0.481 1.17 2.81 1.00 5252. 7170.
12 lambda[2] 3.23 3.09 0.978 0.891 1.90 5.04 1.00 4844. 5214.
13 lambda[3] 2.86 2.73 0.972 0.885 1.54 4.64 1.00 5341. 5791.
14 lambda[4] 4.87 4.55 1.77 1.53 2.65 8.17 1.00 4999. 4886.
15 lambda[5] 13.0 9.92 9.09 5.42 4.58 32.8 1.00 3691. 4604.
16 lambda[6] 4.20 3.90 1.67 1.38 2.18 7.18 1.00 4456. 4399.
17 lambda[7] 4.65 4.29 1.91 1.49 2.44 7.93 1.00 3250. 2200.
18 lambda[8] 21.6 20.1 10.4 10.3 7.64 40.8 1.00 6523. 8026.
19 lambda[9] 5.89 5.50 2.07 1.72 3.36 9.73 1.00 4727. 4113.
20 lambda[10] 3.61 3.40 1.35 1.14 1.93 5.94 1.00 4270. 3895.
At this point, one should investigate model fit of the model we just ran
But, to teach generalized measurement models, we will first talk about differing models for observed data
One plot that can help provide information about the item parameters is the item characteristic curve (ICC)
\[E \left(Y_{pi} \mid \theta_p \right) = \frac{\exp \left(\mu_{i} +\lambda_{i}\theta_p \right)}{1+\exp \left(\mu_{i} +\lambda_{i}\theta_p \right)} \]
Trace plots for \(\mu_i\)
Density plots for \(\mu_i\)
Trace plots for \(\lambda_i\)
Density plots for \(\lambda_i\)
Bivariate plots for \(\mu_i\) and \(\lambda_i\)
The estimated latent variables are then:
# A tibble: 177 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 theta[1] -0.420 -0.351 0.771 0.786 -1.79 0.713 1.00 20783. 13381.
2 theta[2] 1.35 1.35 0.195 0.194 1.04 1.68 1.00 3182. 7438.
3 theta[3] 1.59 1.59 0.196 0.190 1.28 1.92 1.00 2920. 6731.
4 theta[4] -0.431 -0.362 0.788 0.812 -1.84 0.731 1.00 21364. 13898.
5 theta[5] -0.417 -0.347 0.770 0.788 -1.78 0.723 1.00 20033. 13403.
6 theta[6] -0.413 -0.335 0.777 0.800 -1.80 0.727 1.00 21656. 13717.
7 theta[7] 0.342 0.423 0.535 0.501 -0.662 1.06 1.00 12348. 8537.
8 theta[8] 0.599 0.668 0.431 0.392 -0.211 1.17 1.00 11272. 9547.
9 theta[9] -0.424 -0.357 0.779 0.796 -1.82 0.721 1.00 21114. 12838.
10 theta[10] -0.414 -0.343 0.770 0.792 -1.78 0.725 1.00 22522. 13164.
11 theta[11] -0.412 -0.342 0.773 0.786 -1.81 0.729 1.00 21329. 13979.
12 theta[12] -0.429 -0.354 0.785 0.794 -1.84 0.723 1.00 20081. 12769.
13 theta[13] -0.418 -0.353 0.767 0.798 -1.78 0.715 1.00 19474. 14221.
14 theta[14] -0.435 -0.358 0.787 0.797 -1.84 0.727 1.00 19625. 13297.
15 theta[15] -0.420 -0.352 0.779 0.799 -1.81 0.729 1.00 20652. 12989.
16 theta[16] -0.415 -0.349 0.773 0.791 -1.79 0.721 1.00 21160. 14397.
17 theta[17] -0.407 -0.337 0.774 0.790 -1.79 0.727 1.00 19561. 13413.
18 theta[18] -0.429 -0.357 0.783 0.788 -1.84 0.732 1.00 19854. 13088.
19 theta[19] 1.22 1.22 0.205 0.198 0.888 1.56 1.00 3823. 7971.
20 theta[20] -0.423 -0.342 0.781 0.784 -1.82 0.732 1.00 19941. 13031.
21 theta[21] -0.416 -0.346 0.775 0.786 -1.81 0.728 1.00 20877. 13434.
22 theta[22] -0.416 -0.347 0.778 0.795 -1.81 0.725 1.00 20171. 13306.
23 theta[23] -0.429 -0.362 0.785 0.809 -1.82 0.724 1.00 19814. 13741.
24 theta[24] -0.423 -0.354 0.778 0.798 -1.83 0.717 1.00 22286. 14546.
25 theta[25] 0.344 0.428 0.535 0.504 -0.655 1.06 1.00 13811. 10846.
26 theta[26] 1.11 1.13 0.214 0.202 0.746 1.45 1.00 5593. 9923.
27 theta[27] 0.822 0.868 0.325 0.290 0.222 1.27 1.00 8655. 8813.
28 theta[28] -0.419 -0.350 0.775 0.799 -1.80 0.727 1.00 19538. 11971.
29 theta[29] 0.926 0.961 0.291 0.262 0.397 1.33 1.00 7099. 8771.
30 theta[30] 1.40 1.39 0.182 0.179 1.11 1.70 1.00 3588. 7322.
31 theta[31] -0.422 -0.355 0.774 0.784 -1.79 0.730 1.00 22466. 13565.
32 theta[32] -0.429 -0.355 0.783 0.804 -1.83 0.726 1.00 19569. 12776.
33 theta[33] -0.409 -0.342 0.772 0.801 -1.79 0.727 1.00 21300. 12568.
34 theta[34] -0.410 -0.345 0.768 0.784 -1.78 0.727 1.00 22098. 13575.
35 theta[35] -0.426 -0.360 0.776 0.786 -1.83 0.725 1.00 20465. 13760.
36 theta[36] -0.418 -0.344 0.777 0.796 -1.82 0.718 1.00 19897. 13170.
37 theta[37] -0.409 -0.342 0.773 0.796 -1.80 0.725 1.00 20395. 13962.
38 theta[38] -0.413 -0.354 0.768 0.801 -1.76 0.722 1.00 20839. 13939.
39 theta[39] -0.416 -0.346 0.774 0.796 -1.80 0.726 1.00 21434. 12542.
40 theta[40] -0.420 -0.347 0.781 0.795 -1.82 0.735 1.00 20794. 12927.
41 theta[41] -0.420 -0.340 0.787 0.799 -1.83 0.732 1.00 20588. 12991.
42 theta[42] -0.411 -0.340 0.775 0.792 -1.80 0.720 1.00 18908. 12708.
43 theta[43] -0.414 -0.350 0.764 0.792 -1.79 0.720 1.00 21630. 14220.
44 theta[44] -0.422 -0.356 0.778 0.804 -1.79 0.728 1.00 21161. 13793.
45 theta[45] 1.14 1.16 0.232 0.214 0.732 1.48 1.00 5057. 7559.
46 theta[46] -0.410 -0.346 0.761 0.776 -1.76 0.712 1.00 21832. 14102.
47 theta[47] -0.416 -0.349 0.781 0.803 -1.80 0.734 1.00 22773. 13310.
48 theta[48] -0.427 -0.356 0.792 0.817 -1.83 0.730 1.00 20060. 12502.
49 theta[49] -0.420 -0.355 0.771 0.790 -1.79 0.724 1.00 21413. 14174.
50 theta[50] 0.929 0.961 0.286 0.262 0.405 1.33 1.00 6783. 10240.
51 theta[51] -0.419 -0.350 0.780 0.797 -1.80 0.724 1.00 20889. 12957.
52 theta[52] -0.426 -0.354 0.783 0.795 -1.83 0.718 1.00 19915. 13034.
53 theta[53] -0.414 -0.341 0.776 0.793 -1.80 0.734 1.00 21148. 13510.
54 theta[54] -0.423 -0.358 0.774 0.790 -1.81 0.722 1.00 21676. 14095.
55 theta[55] -0.416 -0.346 0.773 0.796 -1.80 0.721 1.00 21946. 13882.
56 theta[56] -0.419 -0.360 0.764 0.794 -1.77 0.716 1.00 20712. 14305.
57 theta[57] -0.416 -0.345 0.772 0.783 -1.81 0.710 1.00 21214. 14175.
58 theta[58] -0.418 -0.349 0.777 0.790 -1.82 0.722 1.00 20351. 13097.
59 theta[59] 0.334 0.422 0.544 0.506 -0.684 1.06 1.00 13140. 10067.
60 theta[60] -0.409 -0.341 0.770 0.791 -1.78 0.723 1.00 20539. 13503.
61 theta[61] 1.25 1.26 0.201 0.191 0.917 1.57 1.00 4316. 8558.
62 theta[62] -0.421 -0.346 0.777 0.787 -1.82 0.728 1.00 20480. 13521.
63 theta[63] -0.421 -0.349 0.782 0.803 -1.81 0.727 1.00 20151. 12810.
64 theta[64] 1.11 1.12 0.215 0.200 0.746 1.44 1.00 5496. 9175.
65 theta[65] -0.414 -0.337 0.770 0.787 -1.80 0.719 1.00 21495. 13807.
66 theta[66] -0.421 -0.347 0.781 0.789 -1.84 0.727 1.00 20729. 12513.
67 theta[67] -0.419 -0.351 0.768 0.790 -1.79 0.717 1.00 20900. 14178.
68 theta[68] -0.416 -0.345 0.774 0.788 -1.80 0.725 1.00 21483. 14021.
69 theta[69] -0.411 -0.337 0.772 0.785 -1.79 0.726 1.00 20471. 13401.
70 theta[70] -0.421 -0.349 0.771 0.778 -1.80 0.713 1.00 21923. 13389.
71 theta[71] -0.425 -0.358 0.778 0.788 -1.81 0.727 1.00 21176. 13630.
72 theta[72] 1.31 1.31 0.187 0.179 0.999 1.61 1.00 4022. 7963.
73 theta[73] -0.427 -0.358 0.778 0.789 -1.82 0.724 1.00 19174. 13065.
74 theta[74] -0.419 -0.346 0.785 0.807 -1.83 0.739 1.00 20558. 12539.
75 theta[75] -0.418 -0.352 0.781 0.794 -1.80 0.738 1.00 20161. 12711.
76 theta[76] 2.18 2.14 0.364 0.346 1.66 2.84 1.00 6322. 9369.
77 theta[77] -0.423 -0.355 0.778 0.797 -1.80 0.725 1.00 20393. 12832.
78 theta[78] 0.822 0.867 0.325 0.289 0.224 1.27 1.00 10758. 9795.
79 theta[79] 1.22 1.22 0.205 0.201 0.886 1.56 1.00 4047. 8640.
80 theta[80] -0.430 -0.358 0.774 0.784 -1.81 0.719 1.00 20308. 12851.
81 theta[81] -0.413 -0.339 0.775 0.778 -1.80 0.722 1.00 19823. 13190.
82 theta[82] -0.417 -0.344 0.776 0.786 -1.81 0.723 1.00 19247. 13931.
83 theta[83] -0.417 -0.348 0.772 0.782 -1.79 0.728 1.00 20113. 13134.
84 theta[84] 1.48 1.48 0.180 0.177 1.19 1.78 1.00 3080. 6847.
85 theta[85] 0.595 0.667 0.441 0.395 -0.223 1.17 1.00 11378. 9456.
86 theta[86] -0.422 -0.345 0.780 0.795 -1.82 0.720 1.00 20303. 13340.
87 theta[87] 0.533 0.613 0.473 0.431 -0.351 1.15 1.00 10694. 10006.
88 theta[88] -0.425 -0.348 0.781 0.800 -1.81 0.726 1.00 22139. 14473.
89 theta[89] -0.422 -0.349 0.782 0.804 -1.82 0.725 1.00 20241. 13501.
90 theta[90] 0.342 0.423 0.538 0.512 -0.665 1.06 1.00 15128. 10817.
91 theta[91] -0.421 -0.355 0.772 0.801 -1.79 0.720 1.00 20192. 13873.
92 theta[92] 1.24 1.25 0.201 0.188 0.903 1.55 1.00 4580. 7859.
93 theta[93] -0.417 -0.345 0.769 0.776 -1.81 0.713 1.00 19870. 13018.
94 theta[94] 1.84 1.81 0.248 0.237 1.47 2.27 1.00 3352. 6069.
95 theta[95] 1.42 1.42 0.180 0.176 1.13 1.72 1.00 3567. 7795.
96 theta[96] -0.413 -0.344 0.768 0.788 -1.79 0.730 1.00 19556. 14074.
97 theta[97] -0.421 -0.347 0.782 0.797 -1.81 0.728 1.00 19686. 12504.
98 theta[98] -0.423 -0.354 0.780 0.795 -1.81 0.737 1.00 21712. 14171.
99 theta[99] -0.421 -0.358 0.776 0.798 -1.80 0.736 1.00 20766. 13254.
100 theta[100] -0.416 -0.348 0.771 0.784 -1.80 0.721 1.00 20017. 12783.
101 theta[101] -0.424 -0.355 0.782 0.802 -1.82 0.730 1.00 20247. 13195.
102 theta[102] 1.76 1.75 0.228 0.216 1.42 2.17 1.00 3037. 5728.
103 theta[103] -0.413 -0.343 0.781 0.803 -1.80 0.723 1.00 19559. 12350.
104 theta[104] 1.43 1.43 0.178 0.175 1.15 1.73 1.00 3292. 6281.
105 theta[105] -0.418 -0.343 0.775 0.788 -1.81 0.723 1.00 20967. 13189.
106 theta[106] 0.910 0.947 0.301 0.273 0.362 1.33 1.00 7128. 9798.
107 theta[107] 1.48 1.48 0.179 0.175 1.19 1.78 1.00 3167. 7218.
108 theta[108] 0.345 0.435 0.534 0.494 -0.658 1.05 1.00 13326. 10502.
109 theta[109] -0.417 -0.351 0.779 0.798 -1.82 0.734 1.00 20777. 13645.
110 theta[110] -0.414 -0.339 0.776 0.795 -1.80 0.720 1.00 21418. 13344.
111 theta[111] -0.426 -0.360 0.777 0.801 -1.80 0.726 1.00 21695. 13511.
112 theta[112] 0.349 0.429 0.530 0.502 -0.659 1.06 1.00 14865. 11529.
113 theta[113] -0.415 -0.344 0.772 0.789 -1.80 0.708 1.00 20190. 13851.
114 theta[114] -0.416 -0.345 0.780 0.799 -1.81 0.731 1.00 20961. 13772.
115 theta[115] 1.43 1.43 0.179 0.177 1.14 1.73 1.00 3263. 7244.
116 theta[116] -0.414 -0.336 0.779 0.786 -1.82 0.725 1.00 19616. 13275.
117 theta[117] -0.418 -0.351 0.773 0.791 -1.80 0.726 1.00 19883. 13387.
118 theta[118] -0.418 -0.347 0.774 0.787 -1.81 0.714 1.00 19558. 13508.
119 theta[119] -0.416 -0.337 0.776 0.785 -1.80 0.720 1.00 21102. 13600.
120 theta[120] -0.429 -0.359 0.782 0.788 -1.81 0.723 1.00 19769. 12640.
121 theta[121] 0.708 0.770 0.400 0.360 -0.0470 1.24 1.00 7585. 9797.
122 theta[122] 0.345 0.427 0.533 0.501 -0.648 1.07 1.00 14526. 11034.
123 theta[123] -0.423 -0.352 0.773 0.787 -1.80 0.721 1.00 21452. 12928.
124 theta[124] -0.424 -0.354 0.772 0.798 -1.82 0.704 1.00 19607. 13302.
125 theta[125] -0.416 -0.345 0.776 0.800 -1.79 0.723 1.00 20154. 12739.
126 theta[126] 0.349 0.432 0.531 0.498 -0.635 1.07 1.00 13866. 12153.
127 theta[127] 0.914 0.952 0.296 0.267 0.384 1.33 1.00 7002. 9222.
128 theta[128] -0.415 -0.339 0.778 0.790 -1.81 0.730 1.00 20539. 12753.
129 theta[129] -0.419 -0.354 0.770 0.795 -1.78 0.719 1.00 21300. 13960.
130 theta[130] 1.71 1.70 0.209 0.201 1.39 2.07 1.00 2876. 5674.
131 theta[131] 0.340 0.431 0.543 0.506 -0.697 1.06 1.00 14162. 11074.
132 theta[132] 1.42 1.42 0.180 0.176 1.14 1.73 1.00 3603. 7466.
133 theta[133] -0.423 -0.344 0.782 0.801 -1.82 0.722 1.00 21124. 13975.
134 theta[134] 1.84 1.82 0.251 0.235 1.47 2.28 1.00 3169. 5375.
135 theta[135] -0.409 -0.340 0.767 0.785 -1.77 0.722 1.00 20861. 13054.
136 theta[136] -0.422 -0.350 0.771 0.784 -1.82 0.709 1.00 20578. 13454.
137 theta[137] -0.416 -0.344 0.777 0.794 -1.80 0.714 1.00 21015. 13067.
138 theta[138] -0.407 -0.341 0.770 0.789 -1.78 0.724 1.00 20648. 13361.
139 theta[139] -0.416 -0.350 0.769 0.790 -1.77 0.722 1.00 20134. 13585.
140 theta[140] 0.602 0.677 0.432 0.391 -0.212 1.17 1.00 11808. 10739.
141 theta[141] -0.413 -0.345 0.765 0.776 -1.79 0.717 1.00 19442. 12671.
142 theta[142] -0.417 -0.346 0.766 0.780 -1.79 0.710 1.00 20667. 12619.
143 theta[143] -0.415 -0.346 0.774 0.797 -1.80 0.719 1.00 20716. 14050.
144 theta[144] -0.421 -0.356 0.770 0.782 -1.78 0.720 1.00 18618. 12572.
145 theta[145] -0.424 -0.362 0.775 0.789 -1.81 0.729 1.00 20210. 13635.
146 theta[146] -0.419 -0.349 0.782 0.799 -1.82 0.727 1.00 19285. 13375.
147 theta[147] -0.414 -0.343 0.770 0.786 -1.78 0.721 1.00 19737. 13861.
148 theta[148] 1.24 1.23 0.194 0.189 0.922 1.56 1.00 4044. 7875.
149 theta[149] -0.414 -0.344 0.765 0.783 -1.78 0.708 1.00 21842. 14098.
150 theta[150] -0.420 -0.351 0.779 0.792 -1.82 0.722 1.00 19798. 12686.
151 theta[151] 0.343 0.429 0.541 0.503 -0.691 1.06 1.00 13091. 9706.
152 theta[152] -0.414 -0.337 0.779 0.795 -1.80 0.732 1.00 22454. 14411.
153 theta[153] 1.37 1.37 0.181 0.178 1.08 1.67 1.00 3723. 7054.
154 theta[154] -0.421 -0.352 0.771 0.797 -1.79 0.717 1.00 20921. 13123.
155 theta[155] -0.432 -0.359 0.786 0.806 -1.84 0.712 1.00 20730. 13044.
156 theta[156] -0.416 -0.345 0.778 0.787 -1.81 0.723 1.00 21608. 12990.
157 theta[157] -0.411 -0.330 0.769 0.775 -1.80 0.721 1.00 21002. 13019.
158 theta[158] -0.416 -0.345 0.773 0.799 -1.80 0.719 1.00 20998. 13331.
159 theta[159] 1.07 1.11 0.282 0.245 0.556 1.45 1.00 4695. 7645.
160 theta[160] -0.420 -0.353 0.780 0.804 -1.81 0.724 1.00 20506. 13503.
161 theta[161] 0.891 0.927 0.300 0.271 0.342 1.32 1.00 7554. 9668.
162 theta[162] 0.536 0.614 0.474 0.429 -0.356 1.16 1.00 10687. 10635.
163 theta[163] -0.418 -0.343 0.776 0.797 -1.81 0.723 1.00 20599. 12970.
164 theta[164] -0.409 -0.337 0.771 0.788 -1.77 0.726 1.00 20860. 13108.
165 theta[165] 0.930 0.962 0.283 0.258 0.411 1.33 1.00 7169. 9271.
166 theta[166] -0.420 -0.344 0.768 0.777 -1.80 0.715 1.00 19350. 13236.
167 theta[167] -0.411 -0.343 0.775 0.786 -1.79 0.731 1.00 21571. 13049.
168 theta[168] 1.11 1.12 0.214 0.200 0.747 1.44 1.00 5212. 8897.
169 theta[169] -0.415 -0.347 0.779 0.802 -1.79 0.731 1.00 20723. 13212.
170 theta[170] -0.423 -0.346 0.791 0.803 -1.84 0.736 1.00 19021. 12910.
171 theta[171] 0.861 0.906 0.320 0.281 0.264 1.30 1.00 8257. 9584.
172 theta[172] -0.413 -0.346 0.775 0.799 -1.79 0.721 1.00 19206. 13794.
173 theta[173] -0.422 -0.351 0.779 0.804 -1.81 0.717 1.00 20297. 13419.
174 theta[174] -0.416 -0.343 0.775 0.791 -1.80 0.718 1.00 20261. 12518.
175 theta[175] -0.425 -0.357 0.780 0.796 -1.83 0.705 1.00 19844. 12986.
176 theta[176] -0.433 -0.362 0.779 0.796 -1.82 0.714 1.00 20706. 13462.
177 theta[177] -0.417 -0.342 0.774 0.786 -1.80 0.722 1.00 20767. 14153.
Discrimination/Difficulty Parameterization
The slope/intercept form is used in many model families:
In educational measurement, a more common form of the model is discrimination/difficulty:
\[logit \left( P\left( Y_{pi}=1 \mid \theta_p \right) \right) = a_i\left(\theta_p - b_i\right)\]
More commonly, this is expressed on the data scale: \[P\left( Y_{pi}=1 \mid \theta_p \right) = \frac{\exp \left( a_i\left(\theta_p - b_i\right) \right)}{1+\exp \left(a_i\left(\theta_p - b_i\right) \right)} \]
We’ve mentioned before there is a one-one relationship between the models:
\[a_i\left(\theta_p - b_i\right) = -a_i b_i + a_i\theta_p = \mu_i + \lambda_i\theta_p\] Where:
We can calculate one parameterization from the other using Stan’s generated quantities:
# A tibble: 20 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a[1] 1.90 1.85 0.497 0.475 1.16 2.79 1.00 5014. 6030.
2 a[2] 3.21 3.07 0.993 0.887 1.88 5.03 1.00 4973. 4384.
3 a[3] 2.88 2.73 1.01 0.895 1.54 4.75 1.00 3794. 4924.
4 a[4] 4.87 4.54 1.79 1.54 2.64 8.15 1.00 4145. 5161.
5 a[5] 13.1 9.91 9.43 5.49 4.57 33.1 1.00 2954. 3607.
6 a[6] 4.20 3.89 1.67 1.39 2.16 7.14 1.00 3541. 3780.
7 a[7] 4.64 4.31 1.88 1.48 2.44 7.85 1.00 4063. 3651.
8 a[8] 21.8 20.2 10.6 10.5 7.47 41.8 1.00 6391. 8311.
9 a[9] 5.86 5.50 2.02 1.71 3.31 9.56 1.00 4111. 4292.
10 a[10] 3.58 3.38 1.25 1.11 1.94 5.91 1.00 4605. 4838.
11 b[1] 1.34 1.31 0.247 0.219 1.00 1.78 1.00 3947. 7603.
12 b[2] 1.47 1.45 0.206 0.187 1.17 1.83 1.00 2856. 5512.
13 b[3] 1.78 1.73 0.320 0.263 1.38 2.35 1.00 2872. 5606.
14 b[4] 1.48 1.47 0.178 0.167 1.22 1.79 1.00 2101. 4385.
15 b[5] 1.26 1.26 0.124 0.123 1.06 1.47 1.00 1732. 4593.
16 b[6] 1.65 1.62 0.229 0.206 1.33 2.05 1.00 2438. 4697.
17 b[7] 1.61 1.59 0.208 0.192 1.31 1.98 1.00 2122. 4366.
18 b[8] 1.62 1.61 0.158 0.156 1.37 1.89 1.00 1494. 3405.
19 b[9] 1.27 1.27 0.136 0.136 1.06 1.51 1.00 1858. 4873.
20 b[10] 1.71 1.67 0.259 0.223 1.36 2.15 1.00 2639. 4852.
A change is needed to Stan’s model statement to directly estimate the discrimination/difficulty model:
model {
a ~ multi_normal(meanA, covA); // Prior for item discrimination/factor loadings
b ~ multi_normal(meanB, covB); // Prior for item intercepts
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // Prior for latent variable (with mean/sd specified)
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli_logit(a[item]*(theta - b[item]));
We can also estimate the slope/intercept parameters from the discrimination/difficulty parameters:
Checking convergence:
[1] 1.001807
Checking parameter estimates:
# A tibble: 20 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a[1] 1.64 1.61 0.435 0.422 0.985 2.40 1.00 6190. 7045.
2 a[2] 2.70 2.59 0.798 0.735 1.59 4.17 1.00 7226. 9782.
3 a[3] 2.28 2.18 0.783 0.715 1.20 3.68 1.00 6318. 8130.
4 a[4] 3.88 3.66 1.33 1.13 2.18 6.31 1.00 7213. 8982.
5 a[5] 12.3 7.69 12.5 4.23 3.72 39.5 1.00 3141. 3986.
6 a[6] 3.23 3.03 1.20 1.02 1.71 5.46 1.00 6678. 7698.
7 a[7] 3.54 3.34 1.25 1.09 1.92 5.82 1.00 6749. 7760.
8 a[8] 27.4 23.4 18.0 17.0 6.12 62.4 1.00 4708. 2832.
9 a[9] 4.72 4.45 1.60 1.35 2.74 7.52 1.00 6449. 7794.
10 a[10] 2.82 2.68 0.968 0.866 1.53 4.62 1.00 7614. 8970.
11 b[1] 1.48 1.43 0.303 0.257 1.09 2.02 1.00 4944. 7147.
12 b[2] 1.60 1.58 0.236 0.214 1.27 2.03 1.00 4295. 7585.
13 b[3] 2.03 1.95 0.410 0.328 1.53 2.79 1.00 4731. 7224.
14 b[4] 1.62 1.61 0.200 0.186 1.33 1.97 1.00 3659. 6639.
15 b[5] 1.34 1.34 0.135 0.135 1.13 1.57 1.00 2752. 5870.
16 b[6] 1.85 1.81 0.294 0.250 1.47 2.35 1.00 3747. 6667.
17 b[7] 1.79 1.76 0.251 0.222 1.45 2.23 1.00 3546. 6637.
18 b[8] 1.77 1.76 0.172 0.165 1.50 2.06 1.00 1890. 1941.
19 b[9] 1.36 1.36 0.151 0.148 1.13 1.62 1.00 3269. 6883.
20 b[10] 1.92 1.87 0.325 0.268 1.50 2.50 1.00 4680. 7669.
Difficulty parameters from discrimination/difficulty model:
# A tibble: 10 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 b[1] 1.48 1.43 0.303 0.257 1.09 2.02 1.00 4944. 7147.
2 b[2] 1.60 1.58 0.236 0.214 1.27 2.03 1.00 4295. 7585.
3 b[3] 2.03 1.95 0.410 0.328 1.53 2.79 1.00 4731. 7224.
4 b[4] 1.62 1.61 0.200 0.186 1.33 1.97 1.00 3659. 6639.
5 b[5] 1.34 1.34 0.135 0.135 1.13 1.57 1.00 2752. 5870.
6 b[6] 1.85 1.81 0.294 0.250 1.47 2.35 1.00 3747. 6667.
7 b[7] 1.79 1.76 0.251 0.222 1.45 2.23 1.00 3546. 6637.
8 b[8] 1.77 1.76 0.172 0.165 1.50 2.06 1.00 1890. 1941.
9 b[9] 1.36 1.36 0.151 0.148 1.13 1.62 1.00 3269. 6883.
10 b[10] 1.92 1.87 0.325 0.268 1.50 2.50 1.00 4680. 7669.
Difficulty parameters from slope/intercept model:
# A tibble: 10 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 b[1] 1.34 1.31 0.247 0.219 1.00 1.78 1.00 3947. 7603.
2 b[2] 1.47 1.45 0.206 0.187 1.17 1.83 1.00 2856. 5512.
3 b[3] 1.78 1.73 0.320 0.263 1.38 2.35 1.00 2872. 5606.
4 b[4] 1.48 1.47 0.178 0.167 1.22 1.79 1.00 2101. 4385.
5 b[5] 1.26 1.26 0.124 0.123 1.06 1.47 1.00 1732. 4593.
6 b[6] 1.65 1.62 0.229 0.206 1.33 2.05 1.00 2438. 4697.
7 b[7] 1.61 1.59 0.208 0.192 1.31 1.98 1.00 2122. 4366.
8 b[8] 1.62 1.61 0.158 0.156 1.37 1.89 1.00 1494. 3405.
9 b[9] 1.27 1.27 0.136 0.136 1.06 1.51 1.00 1858. 4873.
10 b[10] 1.71 1.67 0.259 0.223 1.36 2.15 1.00 2639. 4852.
Discrimination parameters from discrimination/difficulty model:
# A tibble: 10 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a[1] 1.64 1.61 0.435 0.422 0.985 2.40 1.00 6190. 7045.
2 a[2] 2.70 2.59 0.798 0.735 1.59 4.17 1.00 7226. 9782.
3 a[3] 2.28 2.18 0.783 0.715 1.20 3.68 1.00 6318. 8130.
4 a[4] 3.88 3.66 1.33 1.13 2.18 6.31 1.00 7213. 8982.
5 a[5] 12.3 7.69 12.5 4.23 3.72 39.5 1.00 3141. 3986.
6 a[6] 3.23 3.03 1.20 1.02 1.71 5.46 1.00 6678. 7698.
7 a[7] 3.54 3.34 1.25 1.09 1.92 5.82 1.00 6749. 7760.
8 a[8] 27.4 23.4 18.0 17.0 6.12 62.4 1.00 4708. 2832.
9 a[9] 4.72 4.45 1.60 1.35 2.74 7.52 1.00 6449. 7794.
10 a[10] 2.82 2.68 0.968 0.866 1.53 4.62 1.00 7614. 8970.
Discrimination parameters from slope/intercept model:
# A tibble: 10 × 10
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a[1] 1.90 1.85 0.497 0.475 1.16 2.79 1.00 5014. 6030.
2 a[2] 3.21 3.07 0.993 0.887 1.88 5.03 1.00 4973. 4384.
3 a[3] 2.88 2.73 1.01 0.895 1.54 4.75 1.00 3794. 4924.
4 a[4] 4.87 4.54 1.79 1.54 2.64 8.15 1.00 4145. 5161.
5 a[5] 13.1 9.91 9.43 5.49 4.57 33.1 1.00 2954. 3607.
6 a[6] 4.20 3.89 1.67 1.39 2.16 7.14 1.00 3541. 3780.
7 a[7] 4.64 4.31 1.88 1.48 2.44 7.85 1.00 4063. 3651.
8 a[8] 21.8 20.2 10.6 10.5 7.47 41.8 1.00 6391. 8311.
9 a[9] 5.86 5.50 2.02 1.71 3.31 9.56 1.00 4111. 4292.
10 a[10] 3.58 3.38 1.25 1.11 1.94 5.91 1.00 4605. 4838.
Although the parameters of each type of model can be found from the others, the posterior distributions are not the same
Estimating IRT Model Auxiliary Statistics
We can also use the generated quantities block to estimate some important auxiliary statitics from IRT models
Shown for the discrimination/difficulty parameterization (but applies to slope/intercept, too)
The key:
To begin, define a range of \(\theta\) over which you wish to calculate these statistics
The test characteristic curve is formed by taking the sum of the expected value for each item, conditional on a value of \(\theta\)
\[TCC(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^I \frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)}\]
We must compute this for each imported value of \(\theta\) across all iterations of the Markov Chain
Each TCC theta-to-raw score conversion has its own posterior standard error
An item information function quantifies the amount of information about the latent trait provided by an item
For a given value of \(\theta\), we can calculate an item’s information by taking the second partial derivative the model/data likelihood for an time with respect to \(\theta\)
\[I_i\left( \theta \right) = a_i^2 \left(\frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)} \right) \left(1-\frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)} \right)\]
Using generated quantities, we can also calculate the item information for each item at each step of the chain.
The test information function is the sum of the item information functions for a given value of \(\theta\)
For the 2PL model, the test information function is then:
\[TIF\left( \theta \right) = -1+ \sum_{i=1}^I a_i^2 \left(\frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)} \right) \left(1-\frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)} \right)\]
Other IRT/IFA Models
There are a number of different IRT models that can be implemented in Stan
Up to now, for the 2PL model, we had:
model {
a ~ multi_normal(meanA, covA); // Prior for item discrimination/factor loadings
b ~ multi_normal(meanB, covB); // Prior for item intercepts
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // Prior for latent variable (with mean/sd specified)
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli_logit(a[item]*(theta - b[item]));
The function bernoulli_logit()
will only work for the 1- and 2PL models
To make this more general, we must construct the model using just the Bernoulli function:
model {
a ~ multi_normal(meanA, covA); // Prior for item discrimination/factor loadings
b ~ multi_normal(meanB, covB); // Prior for item intercepts
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // Prior for latent variable (with mean/sd specified)
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli(inv_logit(a[item]*(theta - b[item])));
Here, the result of inv_logit()
is a probability for each person and item
function calculates the likelihood based on the probability from each itemItem Response Function: \[ P\left(Y_{pi} = 1 \mid \theta_p \right) = \frac{\exp \left(\theta -b_i \right)}{1+ \exp \left(\theta-b_i \right)} \]
The 1PL model can be built by removing the \(a\) parameter:
data {
int<lower=0> nObs; // number of observations
int<lower=0> nItems; // number of items
array[nItems, nObs] int<lower=0, upper=1> Y; // item responses in a matrix
vector[nItems] meanB; // prior mean vector for coefficients
matrix[nItems, nItems] covB; // prior covariance matrix for coefficients
parameters {
vector[nObs] theta; // the latent variables (one for each person)
vector[nItems] b; // the factor loadings/item discriminations (one for each item)
real<lower=0> sdTheta; // standard deviation for latent variable
model {
b ~ multi_normal(meanB, covB); // Prior for item intercepts
theta ~ normal(0, sdTheta); // Prior for latent variable (with mean specified/sd estimated)
sdTheta ~ exponential(.1); // Prior for latent variable standard deviation
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli(inv_logit(theta - b[item]));
Item Response Function: \[ P\left(Y_{pi} = 1 \mid \theta_p \right) = c_i +\left(1-c_i\right)\left[\frac{\exp \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right) \right)}{1+ \exp \left(a_i \left(\theta-b_i \right) \right)}\right] \]
parameters {
vector[nObs] theta; // the latent variables (one for each person)
vector[nItems] a;
vector[nItems] b; // the factor loadings/item discriminations (one for each item)
vector<lower=0, upper=1>[nItems] c;
model {
a ~ multi_normal(meanA, covA); // Prior for item intercepts
b ~ multi_normal(meanB, covB); // Prior for item intercepts
c ~ beta(1,1); // Simple prior for c parameter
theta ~ normal(0, 1); // Prior for latent variable (with mean/sd specified)
for (item in 1:nItems){
Y[item] ~ bernoulli(c[item] + (1-c[item])*inv_logit(a[item]*(theta - b[item])));
Item Response Function: \[ P\left(Y_{pi} = 1 \mid \theta_p \right) = \Phi \left(a_i \left(\theta -b_i \right)\right) \]
Stan’s function Phi()
converts the term in the function to a probability using the inverse normal CDF
Wrapping Up
This lecture covered models for dichotomous data